Energy Medicine for Cancer Patients and others with serious chronic conditions

Cancer patients and others with serious chronic conditions, such as MS, often feel weak and depleted.  Effects of chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments can have side effects that may leave the patient feeling like a victim of the treatment as well as of the disease.

Energy medicine exercises and private sessions can bring fresh, vitalizing life force back into the body, reducing both fatigue and feelings of helplessness. Breast cancer and other cancer patients develop a sense of empowerment and control over their situations when they see that through simple exercises they can regain strength and feelings of well-being.  Stress is reduced and the immune system is strengthened. There is no interference with the medical regimens.

Special workshops can be arranged for cancer/chronic disease patients and their families/caretakers.  If the patient is too ill to travel to my office, home or hospital arrangements are possible.

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